Bio-trailer: Ramon Aumedes sculptor & painter


“Dedicar-se a l’art no és fàcil però hi ha vegades que és necesari” Segurament molts dels que en aquest moment esteu llegint aquesta afirmació us sentireu identificats. Us puc assegurar que jo no sóc una excepció.

Fa uns dies l’equip de rodatge vam tenir el plaer de visitar a en Ramon al seu taller d’escultura. Ell ens va obrir de bon gust la porta del que és la llar dels seus somnis i la finestra de la seva ànima.

Nascut a Guissona l’any 1950, Ramon Aumedes construeix gegants des de fa uns trenta anys, quan va decidir fer-ne una parella per representar el seu barri, can Duran, de Granollers.
Actualment a Catalunya hi ha uns vuit o nou constructors estables.
Aumedes, pintor i escultor, modela la figura amb argila i la cobreix amb guix per fer-ne el negatiu. Finalment, la figura pren forma amb polièster i fibra de vidre, materials que han ajudat a reduir a la meitat el pes dels gegants respecte dels originals fets amb paper-cartó.

Bio-trailer realitzat i dirigit per José Luis López Ortiz
Producció: Alejandro López
Direcció d’art: Esteve Gimeno


"Being engaged in art is not easy but there are times when it is necessary" Many of you will surely feel identified reading this statement at the moment. I can assure that I am no exception.

A few days ago the filming team had the pleasure of visiting Ramon at his sculpture workshop. He gladly opened the door of what has been the home of his dreams and the window of his soul.

Born in Guissona in 1950, Ramon Aumedes has been building giants for about thirty years, when he decided to sculpt a couple to represent his neighborhood, Can Duran, in Granollers.
There are currently about eight or nine stable sculptors in Catalonia.
Aumedes, painter and sculptor, molds the figure with clay and covers it with plaster to make it negative. Finally, the figure is shaped with polyester and fiberglass, materials that have helped to reduce the weight of the giants by half compared to the original ones made of cardboard.

Bio-trailer created and directed by José Luis López Ortiz
Production: Alejandro López
Art Direction: Esteve Gimeno


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