Atémonos las zapatillas y volvamos a caminar | Let's tie our shoes and walk again


Rodar un cortometraje es una ardua y apasionante tarea. Qué contradicción ¿verdad? Pero es así. La profesión del creativo avanza siempre nadando entre dos aguas y es precisamente esa montaña rusa en la que caben sufrimiento, alegría, desesperación y felicidad, la que finalmente te lleva a descubrir nuevos territorios expresivos. Al final del camino te aguarda la paz en el espíritu cuando, al contemplar la obra acabada, rememoras que el camino ha valido la pena.

“Mi amigo Naim”, mi ópera prima tras muchos años de paciente espera, es un reflejo de esa mezcla de sentimientos. Ahora, desde la distancia que te aporta un año de recorrido, puedo afirmar que valió la pena. Hasta la fecha de este post, 25 selecciones y 5 premios internacionales lo certifican.

Pero esto ha sido únicamente el inicio de una carrera de fondo. Así es que, atémonos las zapatillas, agarremos de nuevo la mochila y sin pensarlo un segundo demos inicio a la segunda etapa de esta apasionante aventura. “La Camiseta” empieza su andadura.


Shooting a short film is an arduous and exciting task. What a contradiction, right? But that's how it is. The profession of the creative progresses always fall between two stools and it is precisely that roller coaster in which fit suffering, joy, despair and happiness, which finally leads you to discover new expressive territories. At the end of the road, peace waits for you in the spirit when, contemplating the finished work, you remember that the path has been worthwhile.

"My friend Naim", my Opera Prima after many years of patient waiting, is a reflection of that mixture of feelings. Now, from the distance that gives you a year of travel, I can say that it was worth it. Until the date of this post, 25 film festivals selections and 5 international awards certify it.

But it has only been the beginning of a long career. So, let's tie the shoes, let's grab the backpack and without thinking a second let's start the second stage of this exciting adventure. "The T-shirt" starts its journey.


May 2017 Short Film Corner Cannes Selection

May 2017 WINNER Best Short LACinefest (May month)

June 2017 Official Selction - Etranger Film Festival
July 2017 Official Selction - ACA Films Low Film Festival

July 2017 WINNER Best Short 2017 - Social World Film Festival

Sept 2017 Official Selction - Guayaquil International Film Festival
Sept 2017 Semifinalist - LAIFFA

Sept 2017 WINNER Best Actress under 17 - Corto Week End Sacro Monte Varese

Oct 2017 Semifinalist - Sant Andreu de la Barca Film Festival
Oct 2017 Official Selection - RESISTENCIA Film Festival
Oct 2017 Official Selection - Marano Ragazzi Spot Festival
Oct 2017 Official Selection - CALIBÉLULA Film Festival
Oct 2017 Official Selection - Paris Lift-Off Film Festival Film Festival
Oct 2017 Official Selection - 68th Montecatini Int. Short Film Fest
Oct 2017 Official Selection - FILMETS International Film Festival
Oct 2017 Official Selection - Festival de Cine de Zaragoza (Goya’s qualifier)
Oct 2017 Official Selection - FIC-ESMI Festival Internacional del cortometraje
Nov 2017 Official Selection - 8th Bogotá City Children & Adolescent Film Festival
Nov 2017 Official Selection - Muestra Internacional de Cortometraje Solidario de Ciudad Real
Dec 2017 Official Selection - All Lights India International Film Festival

Gen 2018 WINNER Best Drama Short LACinefest (annual 2017 live event edition)

Feb 2018 WINNER (Film and school) - XXVII Palencia International Film Festival

March 2018 Official Selection - UTAH Film Festival - Best Lead Actress Under 18

March 2018 Official Selection - UTAH Film Festival - Best Supporting Actor


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